Thursday 6 January 2011

patrick lee

The age group I researched that watches disaster thrillers are normally between the ages of 16-25 years of age, which means that most of these viewers are going to be students in there late teens or early 20s. One of the ways that thriller movies attracted both sexes is by contracting big well known young actors to play the parts of the main characters. The reason why they use young actors is because the audience can relate them selves to the actor’s character; also the young actors like Robert Patterson have a very big fan base and will draw the views in to watch the movie. When a film institution markets their film they have to think about there audience by capturing peoples hobbies and interests. People who are interested in geographical films will want to watch this film genre, because the film offers special effects which capture the world and the world as it could be in years to come. The film genre sometimes captures a geographical look of the plant, for example close ups of volcanoes, avalanches, mountain, ECT.

According to the UK Film Council more males watch disaster thrillers than females, for example 65% of males went to watch "10,000 BC" and the other 45% were females. This statistic shows that males are more incline to watch disaster thrillers. Also according to the UK film council the percentage in age for 15 to 24, 25 to 34, 35 to 44, 50+ that watch movies, the 15 to 24 age bracket held the largest percentage with 36%, which means that disaster thrillers will receive more of a young adult age range more than any other.

In my short intro for a movie I will try and portray a geographical view of the town, this is because my movie genre will be a disaster thriller which involves lots of urban and rural environments.

The ways I will try and show a rural and urban environment will be by filming the local town setting up when there is little people around, the sea front to show the local fishermen boats ready to work and the out boarders of the town.

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